Creepy Palm Pre Commercials

I’m sure you’ve seen her… and you’ve probably already read about her from others that are creeped out by her. Her name is Tamara Hope and I want her to go away. AWAY!!! Does she bother you? What was Palm thinking!?

Palm Pre Commercial -Go With The Flow
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About the author  ⁄ theComplex

Editor-in-Chief at Sinuous Magazine, designer, and founder of NYC-based boutique design firm theComplex Media & Design. I've been designing for 13 years, writing on the internet for about the same, and I appear on radio and podcasts under the name "Lanae Mc'Levans." Photographer and overall geek who is passionate about art, music, politics, technology, fashion, and women's issues. A serial day-dreamer. Foul-mouthed. Opinionated.